Fuk Kwan and Tai Wah
Your choice for Respite service
Senior Care realizes the caregivers are under a great deal of pressure, especially when the elders become frail in hospital. Caregivers may try to extend the duration of stay in hospital when they are anxious about the post-hospitalization care, however, this may not be the best solution.
To serve the best interest of elders and their caregivers, Senior Care provides Residential respite service aiming at providing temporary relief for the caregivers of elders and assisting the elders in sailing through the rehabilitation before going back to community.
Residential Respite Service for the Elderly under Social Welfare Department (SWD) is a form of temporary or short-term residential care service for elders. Senior Care Fuk Kwan, Man Kee, and Tai Wah are recognized service providers of the respite services. And there are few vacancies available in Fuk Kwan and Tai Wah right now.
For any enquiries, please contact the Social worker of Fuk Kwan and Tai Wah.
Four advantages for Fuk Kwan and Tai Wah respite service:
The two homes located in center of town and near MTR station. Flexible visiting hours facilitate visits.
There are nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists providing appropriate rehabilitation and long-term care.
Besides the respite service from SWD, we offers tailor-made respite service plan to elders.
In addition to Residential Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly and Enhanced Bought Place Scheme, our Day Care Centre offers centre-based and home-based services to elders and their caregivers. Even the respite service is over, we continue to offer long-term and subsidised services to elders and caregivers in need.
Residential Respite Service for the Elderly
Eligibility Criteria
Elders are considered eligible for residential respite service if they are:
aged 60 or above;
in need of short-term residential care so that family members or relatives as their main caregivers may take a break from providing the care on a long-term basis;
physically and mentally fit for communal living; and
requiring a level of personal and nursing care corresponding to the admission criteria of the particular type of residential service.
Application Procedure
Referrals for admission to residential respite service should be made by a social worker. Elderly persons or their families may approach casework service units (e.g. Integrated Family Service Centres / Integrated Services Centres, Medical Social Services Units) or elderly service units (e.g. District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, Enhanced Home and Community Care Services Teams and Integrated Home Care Services Teams) who will assess the elder's needs and make referrals to the residential care homes for the elderly or nursing homes concerned if considered suitable.
For elderly persons or their families in urgent need of Residential Respite Service for the Elderly during non-office hours, they may directly approach the service operator of private residential care homes for the elderly under the EBPS providing residential respite service for assistance. Non-office hours are (i) Monday to Saturday, from 5pm to 9am of the following day, and (ii) Sunday and Public Holidays, from 9am to 9am of the following day.
$62 per day
Please browse the following link for more information:
Social Welfare Department - Residential Respite Service for the Elderly (swd.gov.hk)